RumenYeast® Calculator

User guide:
Choose an option below. Fill in yellow fields and click calculate.
You can redo the simulation by changing the fields values in yellow and clicking on recalculate.
@ (Arroba)
Enter data in the yellow fields.
RumenYeast® Price
Enter the RumenYeast® price per kg in your currency local (eg, USD, EU, R$, etc), or the currency that you deem convenient, remember to use the same currency for all the amounts requested.
$ / Kg
RumenYeast® Daily Dosage
Enter the recommended RumenYeast® dose in grams/animal/day. Suggestion: 7g/animal/day or according to the nutritionist's recommendation.
Grams / Animal / Day
Animal Selling Price
Price received per kilogram (kg) of carcass of the finished animal.
$ / Kg of Carcass Weight
Estimated Additional Daily Weight Gain
Estimated additional daily weight gain (grams), i.e., expected increase after including RumenYeast® in the diet. Our data indicate an average daily gain of 3%. This field comes with the value of 30 grams/animal/day but can be freely modified.
Grams / Animal / Day
RumenYeast® supplementation during the Finishing Phase
Number of days that RumenYeast® will be given to the animal in the Finishing Phase. This number will allow the calculation of the profit margin in the total period of use. Remember that RumenYeast® is indicated for all phases of the beef cattle production system.
Number of days supplemented
Additional Daily Cost with RumenYeast®
This will be the daily amount ($) invested in RumenYeast® per animal.
$ / Animal / Day
Additional Period Cost with RumenYeast®
This will be the amount ($) invested with RumenYeast® per animal in the supplemented period.
$ / Animal / Period
Additional Daily Revenue
This will be the daily revenue increase ($) per animal receiving RumenYeast®.
$ / Animal / Day
Additional Period Revenue
This will be the revenue increase ($) per animal in the period supplemented with RumenYeast®.
$ / Animal / Period
Daily Margin (Effective Profit)
This will be the daily additional profit ($) per animal receiving RumenYeast®
$ / Animal / day
Period Margin (Effective Profit)
This will be the additional profit ($) per animal in the period supplemented with RumenYeast®.
$ / Animal / Period
Daily Break Even Point of Live Weight
Increased average daily weigh gain (in grams) required to pay off the RumenYeast® daily investment.
Live Weight (Grams / Animal / Day)
Daily Break Even Point of Carcass
Increased average daily carcass gain (in grams) required to pay off the RumenYeast® daily investment.
Carcass (Grams / Animal / Day)
Period Break Even Point of Live Weight
Increased body weight gain (in grams) required to pay off the RumenYeast® investment over the period supplemented.
Live Weight (Grams / Animal / Period)
Period Break Even Point of Carcass
Increased carcass weight gain (in grams) required to pay off the RumenYeast® investment over the period supplemented.
Carcass (Grams/ Animal / Period)
Return On Investment (ROI)
$ returned for each $1 invested in RumenYeast®
Relação entre Break Even e Ganho de Peso Adicional Estimado
Percentual do ganho de peso adicional estimado que deve ser efetivamente alcançado para pagar o investimento. [Break even diário, g ÷ (Ganho de peso adicional estimado, g*100)]. Como interpretar este valor: Valor menor que 100% indica investimento lucrativo, quanto menor o valor mais fácil é pagar o invesimento.

? Always use the same currency you choose in all variables

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