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RumenYeast® Calculator | Dairy Cattle -
RumenYeast® Price
$ / Kg
RumenYeast® Daily Dosage
Grams / Animal / Day
Milk Price
$ / Liter
Estimated Additional Milk Production
Liters / Animal / Day
RumenYeast® Supplementation During the Lactation Period
RumenYeast® days during lactation period
Additional Daily Cost with RumenYeast®
$ / Animal / Day
Additional Period Cost with RumenYeast®
$ / Animal / Period
Additional Daily Revenue
$ / Animal / Day
Additional Period Revenue
$ / Animal / Period
Daily Margin (Effective Profit)
$ / Animal / day
Period Margin (Effective Profit)
$ / Animal / Period
Daily Break Even Point
Milliliters / Animal / Day
Daily Break Even Point of Carcass
Carcass (Grams / Animal / Day)
Period Break Even Point
Liters / Animal / Period
Period Break Even Point of Carcass
Carcass (Grams/ Animal / Period)
Return On Investment (ROI)
$ returned for each $1 invested in RumenYeast®
Relação entre Break Even e Produção de Leite Adicional Estimada